Web App - Schedules - Schedule Creation Breakdown

Web App - Schedules - Schedule Creation Breakdown

Schedule Creation Breakdown


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Assigned Crew – A drop-down list of crews that have been pre-built in the Crews section of CrewTracks. Selecting a pre-built crew will add all the members of that crew to the schedule.

Create schedules for multiple Crew Leads – Allows the ability to create schedules for each Crew Lead needed on schedules for the day. Once the schedules are generated after completing the rest of the fields and clicking “SAVE SCHEDULE”, they will need to manually add any employees to each schedule that get created.

Crew Lead – This drop-down list allows the selection of the Crew Lead needed for this schedule. If “Create schedules for multiple Crew Leads” checked, multiple Crew Leads can be selected here.

Supervisor – This drop-down list allows the selection of the Supervisor needed to be assigned to the created schedules.

Employees – This drop-down list allows the addition or removal of individual Employees for the schedule. The selected Crew Lead will automatically be added to this list. 
If a pre-built Crew is chosen from the “Assigned Crew” drop-down, then all the employees in the crew will already be selected. 
If “Create schedules for multiple Crew Leads” is checked, this selection will not be available here. Edit the individual schedules that get created to add any extra employees.

Employees can be added to or removed from this schedule by a Crew Lead or Supervisor – If checked, this allows the Crew Lead/Supervisor to add or remove employees from the schedule in the field. If this is not checked, then employees can only be added/removed from a schedule by an Administrator.

Time Clock

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A Crew Lead can edit clock in/out times on the app – This checkbox allows Crew Leads to edit the clock in/out times of any Employees on the schedule. Unchecking this box prevents any clock in/out changes, except from an Administrator.

Allow Individual Employees to clock themselves in/out – This checkbox allows Employees to clock themselves in/out from their own device. If using this feature, each Employee will need sign-in credentials to be able to sign in to do so. Unchecking this box prevents Employees from clocking in/out from their own device and will rely on the Crew Lead to clock them in/out.

    Individual Employees can edit their own clock in/out times – When used with the above checkbox, this checkbox allows the Employees to edit their own clock in/out times. Unchecking this will only allow them to clock in/out from their device. This option is grayed out if the above checkbox is unchecked.

Require photos on clock in/out – This checkbox will require Employees to take their photo to be able to clock in/out. Unchecking this will skip the photo taking step.

Require lunch time entry – This checkbox will require Employees to take a lunch break during their shift. If checked, a “Minimum Required Lunch Time (minutes)*” field will appear, which will prevent an Employee from ending their lunch before this set number of minutes.

Employees may not Clock In before – This checkbox prevents Employees from clocking in before the specified time. Unchecking this allows Employees to clock in at any time.


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ADD – This is where Jobs/Job Items can be added to the created schedules. If “Create schedules for multiple Crew Leads” checkbox in the Crew section is checked, any Jobs/Job Items selected here will appear on the schedules for those selected Crew Leads.

Jobs/Job Items & Status – This section will show any selected Jobs/Job Items and their status. Any Jobs/Job Items that are shown here will be added to the created schedule(s).

Jobs can be added to or removed from this schedule by a Crew Lead – This checkbox allows the Crew Lead to add/remove Jobs/Job Items from the schedule in the field. Unchecking this prevents the Crew Lead from doing so, and will only be able to be added/removed by an Administrator.

Jobs / Job Items can be added to this schedule by Individual Employees – This checkbox allows the individual Employees on the schedule to add/remove Jobs/Job Items. Unchecking this box prevents them from doing so.

Allow Individual Employees to see Job Details – This checkbox allows individual Employees to see the Job details in the app. Unchecking this box removes the option from their schedule.

    Allow Individual Employees to view Totals/Budgets for Labor Hours, Production, Equipment, and Materials – This checkbox adds Totals and Budgets for individual Employees to see. Unchecking this box removes those details. Unchecking the above box will gray out this option.

Time Assignment and Production

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Require all time to be allocated to jobs before submission – This checkbox makes it so any time accrued on a schedule needs to be allocated to a job item before the schedule can be submitted for approval. Unchecking this box allows for unallocated time.

Allow Individual Employees to assign their own time – This checkbox allows Employees to assign their time to job items. Unchecking this box will make it so only Crew Leads and above can allocate the Employee’s time.

Track Production by individual employee – This checkbox makes it so production is on the Employee level, rather than the crew level. Unchecking the box makes production tracked to the overall crew established on the schedule.


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Equipment Drop Down – This drop down allows any pieces of equipment needed for the schedule to be added. Click each piece of equipment to add/remove it from the schedule.

Equipment can be added to or removed from this schedule by a Crew Lead – This checkbox allows the Crew Lead to add/remove equipment from the field. Unchecking this box makes it so only an Administrator/Supervisor can add or remove equipment.

Notes / Photos

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Require notes before submission – This checkbox makes it so at least one note must be created on a schedule before the schedule can be submitted for approval. Unchecking this box removes the requirement.

Require jobsite photos before submission – This checkbox makes it so at least one photo must be posted on a schedule before the schedule can be submitted for approval. Unchecking this box removes the requirement.

Allow Individual Employees to add and view Notes/Photos – This checkbox makes it so Individual Employees can add/view Notes/Photos on a schedule. Unchecking this box removes the option from their app.


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Materials Drop Down – This drop down allows any materials needed for the schedule to be added. Click each material to add/remove it from the schedule. 

Materials can be added to or removed from this schedule by a Crew Lead - This checkbox allows the Crew Lead to add/remove materials from the field. Unchecking this box makes it so only an Administrator/Supervisor can add or remove materials.

Documents, Schedule Documents, Included Documents, & Multi-Day Documents

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Allow Individual Employees to access Documents and create Document Submissions – Allows Individual Employees to access documents that are added to the schedule, and allows them to submit document/document changes on the schedule. Unchecking this box removes this ability.

Schedule Documents – Any documents that are uploaded specifically for this schedule will appear here, but cannot be uploaded until after the schedule has been created.

Included Documents – Documents that are listed as Organization Documents or Job Documents will appear here with the following information:
    - Context – What level of document it is (Schedule, Crew, Job, Organization, etc.)
    - Name – Name of the document
    - Field Access Allowed – If checked, the document can be accessed from the field app
    - Required – If checked, the document must be filled out and submitted before the schedule can be submitted/approved
     - Multi-Day Document – If this document will be used across multiple schedules/days, this checkbox will need to be checked so the data submitted on this schedule will move forward to any future schedules that have this document
     - Automatically Download – If checked, the document will automatically download to any Employee/Crew Lead/Supervisor device that is associated with this schedule

Multi-Day Documents – Any documents that were filled out on a previous associated schedule and have “Multi-Day Document” checked will appear here.

Miscellaneous Information Sections

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Miscellaneous Information – This drop-down list contains custom forms from the Client Services team at CrewTracks that have been requested and are necessary for the usage of CrewTracks outside of fillable PDF documents. Most organizations will not need to use this section.

Job Signoff

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If this section is on, a Job Signoff option will appear in the app, which will allow an individual in the field (customer, owner, etc.) to see a report of the schedule’s details (hours, tasks worked on, notes, etc.) and can sign off on the work completed.
Allow Individual Employees to create Job Sign-offs with their own data – This checkbox allows Individual Employees to use the Job Sign-Off option. Unchecking this makes it so Crew Lead and up are the only ones who can use the Job Sign-Off option.

Work Description and Save Schedule Button

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Work Description – This is where information about the tasks for the day for the crews to see in the field can be entered. This will be visible to anyone in the field on this schedule that is using the app.

Save Schedule – Once everything needed is filled out, this button will generate a schedule or schedules depending on the options chosen.

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