Web App - Devices

Web App - Devices


The Devices section gives an overview of any active and inactive devices that have been utilized with the CrewTracks mobile app and can show a map of where the devices were used to clock in/out from.

Editing a Device’s Display Name

Click the “Edit” button next to the device that the name will be changed for.

Enter the name of the device in the Edited Name field, then click Save.

The device’s new display name will appear in the device list with a green acknowledgement bar at the top of the screen.

Inactivating a Device

*Note* This does not prevent the device from connecting to and using the CrewTracks mobile app; this is purely to help keep track of devices that may or may not still be in use in the organization.

Click the Edit button for the device that is to be inactivated.

Click to clear the checkbox next to Active, then click Save.

The active device list will be updated to show the device is no longer active.

Activating a Device

Click the Show Inactive Devices button.

Click the Edit button next to the device needing activation.

Click the checkbox next to Active, then click Save.

The device will appear in the active devices list.

Device Map

Click on Map next to the device to view that device’s map history.

A map will appear with the date the device last logged location data. If the device never logged location data, then the map will appear unmarked.

To view a different day’s map data, click on the date field to open a calendar. Select a date from the calendar.

Click on the Filter button to show that day’s map data, if there is any data available.

Reset Device Data

To mark a device for a data reset, click the Map button for that device.

Click the Reset Device Data button. This will clear out old CrewTracks data on the device, download a fresh copy of data from the CrewTracks servers, then reapply any unsynced changes that haven’t been sent to the CrewTracks servers. This does not reset any location data on the device.

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