Web App - Documents

Web App - Documents


The Documents section is for maintaining and managing documents uploaded to the CrewTracks system.
Uploading a Document

Click the folder that the document will be put into. We recommend using the Organization Documents for any documents not specifically associated with any particular jobs, crew, or equipment.


A popup will appear to choose the documents needing to be uploaded. The valid file types are listed on this popup. Click CHOOSE FILES, then browse the PC for the files needing to be uploaded. Once found, click Open to upload the selected files.

If the file was successfully uploaded, a confirmation popup will appear stating the success, and the new file will appear in the list of documents.

Deleting a Document

Click the three dots on the line of the document needing to be deleted.

A menu will appear above the dots. Click Delete.

A popup will appear to confirm the deletion. Click DELETE to delete the document. Click CANCEL to go back to the Documents screen without deleting the document.

Export Submitted Documents

Click the three dots on the line of the base document that needs to have edited/submitted versions of it exported.

Click Export.

The Export Submitted Documents screen will appear. Choose the start and end date that any submitted documents should be pulled from. If the system doesn’t find any submitted documents in the selected timeframe, the EXPORT button will stay gray. If it finds at least one, EXPORT will turn green and will allow exports.

Renaming a Document

Click the three dots on the line of the base document that needs to be renamed.

Click Rename.

A prompt will appear to rename the document. Type the new name into the box, then click SAVE. Click CANCEL to go back to the Documents screen without renaming the file.

Document Settings

Click the three dots on the line of the base document that needs to have its settings changed.

The Field Access setting changes who can access this document in the mobile app: Nobody, the Crew Lead Only, or any employee who has access to the mobile app.

The Required setting makes the document required to be filled out before any schedule the document is on can be submitted for review.

The Multi-day document setting will move any edits a document has made forward on any new schedules that this document is submitted on.

The Automatically download setting will make the document auto-download to any device that accesses a schedule this document resides on. This is forced on by default on small documents.

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