Web App - Jobs

Web App - Jobs


The Jobs section allows the management of job information in CrewTracks.

Job Creation Breakdown

Setup Information

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Job Type – The type of job this job will be under. The default in CrewTracks is “Regular”.

Customer – If the job is associated with only one customer, the drop-down menu will allow the selection of the specific customer.

Job Information

A screenshot of a job applicationDescription automatically generated

Job Active – This will automatically be checked on Job creation. This allows the job to show under the Active job section.

Job Code – A code associated with the job. This field is typically used in conjunction with business management software to keep the info similar between the two.

Job Name – The name of the job.

Job Description – A description of the job.

Address or GPS Coordinates – The address of where the job takes place. Entering the address here allows a Google Map view of the job location.

Accounting System Code – This field is typically used in conjunction with an accounting system, like QuickBooks. This is how the job is uniquely identified in the accounting system and how time typically gets applied to that particular job in the accounting system.

Job Settings

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Exempt from “Require notes before submission” schedule setting – Checking this option will make any schedules associated with this job exempt from notes requirements.

Exempt from “Require jobsite photos before submission” schedule setting – Checking this option will make any schedules associated with this job exempt from jobsite photo requirements.

Job Status Group – The job status group associated with this job. The default is “Regular”.

Enable Job Status – Checking this box will allow the job status to be active, trackable, and changeable.

    Prompt Employees To Set Job Status Each Day – When used in conjunction with the above setting, turning this setting on, the employees on a schedule will be prompted in the mobile app to set the job status for the day.

Enable Job Item Status – Checking this box will allow the job item status to be active, trackable, and changeable.

    Prompt Employees To Set Job Item Status Each Day - When used in conjunction with the above setting, turning this setting on, the employees on a schedule will be prompted in the mobile app to set the job item status for the day.

Adding a New Job

Click on ADD NEW JOB in the top right to add a new job to CrewTracks.

The prompts in the Job Creation Breakdown section will appear. Fill out the needed fields, then click SAVE to add the job in CrewTracks.

Importing Jobs Into CrewTracks

Click the IMPORT JOBS button.

A prompt will appear to choose an import file. If an import file doesn’t already exist, click the Download a sample template of the Import File and fill out the template with the needed information. Once the Import File has been created, click the CHOOSE IMPORT FILE, then select the created Import File.

If there are errors in the import, none of the jobs will import into CrewTracks. Correct any listed errors, then try reimporting the file. Once successful, the new jobs will appear in the Job list.

Job Import Template Breakdown

The below items only need to be filled in once per job

Job Template Code (Optional) - This field is used in conjunction with specific Job Templates already in CrewTracks. If the Job Template Code is filled in, the job will be created with the data from that specific job template

Job Type Code - This code is utilized in conjunction with Job Types. Default is JT1 (Regular), but will vary based on the job types the organization has in CrewTracks

Job Status Group Code (Optional) - This field is used in conjunction with specific Job Status Groups already in CrewTracks. Leave blank if different Job Status Groups haven't been entered in to CrewTracks or if the default job status group is to be used

Customer Code (Optional) - This code is used if the job is needing to be assigned to a specific customer in the CrewTracks system

Job Code - A unique identifier that is used to differentiate the jobs in CrewTracks. If left blank, it will auto-generate this code based on this format: JX, where X is a number starting on 1 and increments based on any other job codes like that in CrewTracks

Job Name - The name of the job

Job Description (Optional) - The description of the job

Job Address (Optional) - The address of the job

Job Accounting System Code (Optional) - This code is used to tie a job to the accounting system via data export i.e. QuickBooks

Flex Code Categories - Any flex codes turned on for jobs will appear as their named headers after the Job Accounting System Code header. These flex codes are specific to each organization in CrewTracks, and an organization may not have any in use, which will output zero of these header types

The below items need to be filled in for each item in a job. Any items entered here that also match items on a used job template will overwrite the settings used in the template (will not affect the actual job template)

Item Code - A unique identifier that is used to differentiate the job items in CrewTracks. This must be unique to each job item and cannot be shared across multiple job items

Item Name - The name of the job item

Item Description (Optional) - The description of the job item

Item Accounting System Code - This code is used to tie a job item to the accounting system via data export i.e. QuickBooks

Unit Type (Optional) - The type of unit the job item is. Anything can be put into this field to help indicate the type of item that is being tracked i.e. lbs., LF, Each, Hours, etc.

Unit Budget (Optional) - A specific unit budget can be input to track against

Track Labor - Put an x in this cell if labor needs to be tracked on this job item; leave it blank if labor tracking is not needed

Labor Hours Budget (Optional) - If tracking labor, a specific labor budget can be input to track against

Track Equipment - Put an x in this cell if equipment needs to be tracked on this job item; leave it blank if equipment tracking is not needed

Equipment Hours Budget (Optional) - If tracking equipment, a specific equipment hours budget can be input to track against

Track Material - Put an x in this cell if materials need to be tracked on this job item; leave it blank if material tracking is not needed

Flex Code Categories - Any flex codes turned on for job items will appear as their named headers after the Track Material header. These flex codes are specific to each organization in CrewTracks, and an organization may not have any in use, which will output zero of these header types

Inactivating a Job

Click the checkbox next to the job(s) that need to be deactivated.


A prompt will appear to acknowledge the inactivation of the selected job(s). To confirm, click INACTIVATE XX JOBS, where XX is the number of selected jobs. Click CANCEL to go back to the Jobs screen and not inactivate the selected jobs.

Activating a Job

Click on the Inactive radio button.

Click the checkbox next to the job(s) that need to be activated.


A prompt will appear to acknowledge the activation of the selected job(s). To confirm, click ACTIVATE XX JOBS, where XX is the number of selected jobs. Click CANCEL to go back to the Jobs screen and not activate the selected jobs.

Viewing an Existing Job

Click on the job line or click on VIEW on the job line to view the selected job’s details.

The Job Details screen will appear with the selected job’s details, including its status, any job items associated with the job, submitted documents, etc.

Editing an Existing Job

Click on the EDIT button on the job line that needs editing.

The prompts from the Add a New Job section will appear. Edit the needed portions of the job, then click SAVE JOB to save the changes.

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