Web App - Schedules - Scheduler

Web App - Schedules - Scheduler


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The Scheduler gives weekly views of Jobs, Employees, or Equipment on the different schedules listed in that week. Schedules can be created through any of these views. 

Change Scheduler Views

Click the Change Schedule button to switch between the different views of Jobs, Employees, or Equipment.

Scheduler View by Employees

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Scheduler View by Equipment

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Adding a Schedule

Hovering over one of the boxes bring up a blue “+” icon.

Click the blue icon to go to the Schedule Creation screen. Once a schedule has been created, it can be viewed in the Scheduler with the Crew Lead’s name.

When hovering over the number in parenthesis, it will show any other employees that are also on the same schedule as the Crew Lead.

Clicking the Hide blank rows checkbox will hide any rows that don’t have a schedule attached to them.

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