Web App - Schedules - Schedules List

Web App - Schedules - Schedules List

Schedules List

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

The Schedules List gives a list of all schedules created for a selected day or week (if selected).

Day View vs. Week View

Schedules list can show a single day of schedules, or an entire week’s worth of schedules. To see just a specific day, make sure the radio button next to Day is selected.

To view the whole week’s schedule list, make sure the radio button next to Week is selected.

Quick Selecting a New Date/Week

To quickly select a new date to view, click the date or calendar icon in the top right of the Schedules section. Any dates with a red or green highlight have schedules for viewing. The orange circle highlight signifies the currently selected date.

While in Week view mode, selecting the date/calendar icon will bring up a calendar that allow the selection of the first day of the organization’s work week (Default is Monday, but can be changed in Setup -> Organization Settings).

Adding a Schedule

Click the ADD NEW SCHEDULE button in the top right of the Schedules section to start the schedule creation process. If the view is set to Week, clicking the ADD NEW SCHEDULE button will start the schedule creation process for the first date of the selected work week.

Deleting Schedules

*WARNING* Deleting a schedule is permanent. Deleting a schedule will remove all photos, notes, time logs, and any other data associated with this schedule. If a schedule is deleted, CrewTracks cannot guarantee recovery of the deleted schedule and associated schedule data.

Click the checkbox next to the schedule(s) that need to be deleted or click the checkbox in the header section to select all schedules for that day/week.

Click the DELETE button.

A prompt will appear to confirm acknowledgement that the selected schedule(s) will be deleted. Click DELETE XX SCHEDULES, where XX is the number of selected schedules. Click CANCEL to go back to the Schedules List without deleting the selected schedules.

Mass Schedule Approval

Click the checkbox next to the schedule(s) that need to be approved or click the checkbox in the header section to select all schedules for that day/week.


A prompt will appear to confirm acknowledgement that the selected schedule(s) will be approved. Click APPROVE XX SCHEDULES, where XX is the number of selected schedules. Click CANCEL to go back to the Schedules List without approving the selected schedules.

Schedules that have been approved will appear green.

Schedules that still need to be approved will appear with no color.

Mass Text Employees on Schedules

Click the checkbox next to the schedule(s) that need to have the employees receive a text message with the work description or click the checkbox in the header section to select all schedules for that day/week.

Click TEXT.

A prompt will appear to confirm acknowledgement that the selected schedule(s) will have a text sent out to any employees on the schedule(s). Click SEND TEXT. Click CANCEL to go back to the Schedules List without sending text messages.

Any schedules that have had a text message sent out to employees will show TEXT on the schedule line in gray.

Any schedules that have not had a text sent out will show TEXT in blue.

If a schedule doesn’t have the work description field filled out, or the schedule has no employees that have phone numbers entered in CrewTracks, the TEXT will appear with faded gray text, indicating a text message cannot be sent.

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