Web App - Setup - Employees

Web App - Setup - Employees


The Employees screen allows for the management of employees in the organization, including creating new employees, inactivating and reactivating employees, and general employee management.

Adding a New Employee

Click on the ADD NEW EMPLOYEE button in the top right of the Employees screen.

Add Employee Breakdown

Employee Information

Active – Checkbox to make the employee Active/Inactive. When first creating an employee, you will want to keep this checked.

First Name / Last Name – Optional fields to show the first and last name of the employee. Filling these out will automatically start filling in the Display Name, which can still be changed on its own.

Display Name – How the employee will be displayed in the CrewTracks app.

Title – Optional field to put the employee’s title in

Username –This is the username the employee will use to log in to CrewTracks. If the Employee Type is “Employee”, this is optional unless you have Individual Sign-In active.

Employee Type – Setting for employee access levels to CrewTracks. There are four access levels available, from Employee (least access) to Administrator (most access).

Password / Confirm Password – These fields are used in conjunction with the Username. Any employee with a username must also have a password so they can log in to the CrewTracks system.

Email – Mandatory field for Administrator level employees, optional for all others. Mainly used to receive notifications for certain events triggered in CrewTracks (injury reports, daily reports, etc.) Email addresses used must be unique and cannot have been previously used in CrewTracks.

Mobile Phone – Optional field allows Work Descriptions for schedules to be sent via text and will go to anyone who is on that schedule and has a phone number on file. Allows Administrators to quickly look up employee phone numbers.

Accounting System Code – This field is used in conjunction with an accounting system, such as Quickbooks, Sage 100, Foundation, etc. This is the unique identifier of each employee in your accounting system.

Employee GPS Tracking – Drop down field that allows you to choose whether you want to track an employee’s GPS location on clock in/out only, while they are clocked in, or no tracking at all.

Employee Settings

Allow employee to see their own Timecard/Timelogs – Allows employees to log in through the app and see their timecard/timelogs. Will require the employee to have a username/password to do so. Unchecking this removes this option in the app.

Allow employee to see their own Production Card – Allows employees to log in through the app and see their production card. Will require the employee to have a username/password to do so. Unchecking this removes this option in the app.

Inactivating an Employee

CrewTracks doesn’t allow the deletion of employees due to data integrity for historical schedule data; instead, CrewTracks has a function to “inactivate” an employee to remove them from the active employee list and prevent the inactive employee from accessing the CrewTracks system. To inactivate an employee, click the checkbox next to the employee’s name.


A prompt will appear to confirm the employee’s inactivation. Any crews that will be affected by the inactivation will also show in the prompt. To continue with the inactivation, click INACTIVATE 1 EMPLOYEE. Click CANCEL to go back to the Employees screen.

Activating an Employee

Click on Inactive at the top of the Employees screen.

Click the checkbox next to the employee that will be activated.


A prompt will appear to acknowledge that an employee will be activated. Click ACTIVATE 1 EMPLOYEE to reactivate the employee. Click CANCEL to go back to the Employees screen without activating the employee.

Viewing an Employee’s Details

Click either on the line of the employee or click VIEW on the right side of the employee line to view the employee’s details.

The Employee Details screen will give an overview of the current data entered in for the employee. It will show any fields that may be missing or need updating, an employee’s timecard for a given week, timelogs, production data (if turned on), and any schedules that the employee is attached to.

Editing an Employee

Either click on EDIT on the employee line on the Employees screen.

Or while viewing an employee, click EDIT EMPLOYEE on the top right of the Employee Details screen.

Either method will bring up a popup like the screens found in the Add Employee section. Edit any details that need to be changed, then click SAVE in the bottom right of the popup. An employee can also be activated/inactivated from this screen by checking/unchecking the checkbox next to Active.

Sending an Employee a Mobile App Message

Click on the checkbox next to employee(s) that should receive the message.

Click SEND MESSAGE to begin writing a message to send.

Type in the message you want to send, then click SEND. Only employees that have log in info for the CrewTracks system will receive an in-app notification with the message. Any users that might not receive the message will have a warning symbol next to their name.

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