Web App - Setup - Equipment

Web App - Setup - Equipment


The Equipment screen is for the management of equipment in CrewTracks. Equipment can be added, inactivated/activated, and equipment data viewed from here.

Adding New Equipment

Click the ADD NEW EQUIPMENT button in the top right of the Equipment screen.

Add Equipment Breakdown

Equipment Type

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Equipment Type – Drop down menu that allows the selection of either an existing equipment type or adding a new type. Selecting the Create New Equipment Type option will show the following fields:

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    Equipment Type Name – The name of the equipment type (tractors, hammers, trucks, etc.) to group the different pieces of equipment to.
    Equipment Type Code – A code to signify that equipment type, such as TRAC for tractors, HMR for hammers, etc., whatever makes sense for the organization.

Equipment Info

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Active – When initially creating a piece of equipment, this option will be automatically selected. Unchecking this box will inactivate the equipment and will no longer be available on jobs.

Equipment Code – Typically a unique code used to identify a particular piece of equipment.

Equipment Name – The name of the equipment i.e., Caterpillar D6T XW, 2015 Ford F-250, etc. This field doesn’t need to be unique from other pieces of equipment, but a unique equipment code should be used to properly differentiate between them.

Equipment Description – Optional field to describe the piece of equipment.

Inactivating Equipment

Click the checkbox next to the piece(s) of equipment that need to be deactivated.


A prompt will appear to confirm the equipment’s inactivation. To continue with the inactivation, click INACTIVATE XX EQUIPMENT, where XX is the number of pieces of equipment that have been selected. Click CANCEL to go back to the Equipment screen without inactivating the equipment.

Activating Equipment

Click the Inactive radio button.

Click the checkbox next to the piece(s) of equipment that need to be activated.


A prompt will appear to confirm the equipment’s activation. To continue with the activation, click ACTIVATE XX EQUIPMENT, where XX is the number of pieces of equipment that have been selected. Click CANCEL to go back to the Equipment screen without activating the equipment.

Viewing Equipment Details

Click on the equipment line or click the VIEW button on the equipment line to view the equipment details.

The Equipment Details page gives an overview of the piece of equipment, including any schedules the equipment is on and any documents/submitted documents associated with this equipment.

Viewing the Equipment Types List

Click the EQUIPMENT TYPES LIST in the top left corner of the Equipment screen.

The Equipment Tyles list shows all the different equipment types currently in the CrewTracks system and shows the quantity of equipment associated with each equipment type.

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Adding a New Equipment Type

Click on ADD NEW EQUIPMENT TYPE in the top right of the Equipment Types section.

A prompt will appear to fill out the needed information about the new Equipment Type. Fill out the needed information, then click SAVE EQUIPMENT TYPE. Click CANCEL to go back to the Equipment Types screen without adding a new equipment type.

Viewing Equipment Type Details

Click on the Equipment Type line or click the VIEW button on the Equipment Type line to view that equipment type’s details.

The Equipment Type details page shows further information about the selected equipment type, including any equipment associated with this equipment type. Equipment can be added through this screen by selecting ADD NEW EQUIPMENT in the Associated Equipment section.

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