Web App - Setup - Job Item Templates

Web App - Setup - Job Item Templates

​​​​Job Item Templates

The Job Item Templates section allows for the management of job item templates, which can help speed up job item entry into CrewTracks by pre-filling out repeat information based on certain job item types.

Adding a New Job Item Template


Add Job Item Template Breakdown

Job Item Template

Item Code – The unique code to identify the Job Item.

Name – The name of the Job Item.

Accounting System Code – This field is used in conjunction with an accounting system, such as QuickBooks, Sage 100, Foundation, etc. This is the unique identifier of each Job Item (also known as a ‘Phase’ or ‘Service Item’) in an accounting system.

Track Production – More info below.

Track Labor – Checking this box allows labor to be tracked on this Job Item.

    Labor Budget – Field to put the labor budget to track against.

    Enable Labor Hours Totals in Field App - Enabling this option will allow users using the CrewTracks field app to be able to see the total labor hours worked for the entire duration of this Job Item.

    Show Labor Budget in Field App - Unchecking this box will remove the ability for the field employees to see labor hour budget information and how the total labor hours compare against the labor hour budget, but they will still be able to see the total labor hours (the total number of hours completed on this Job Item).

Track Equipment – Checking this box allows Equipment hours to be tracked on this Job Item.

    Equipment Budget – Field to enter an equipment hour budget to track against.

Track Material – Checking this box allows Materials to be tracked on this Job Item.

Item Description – Enter a description of the Job Item.

Track Production Section 

Checking this box will allow production to be tracked through this Job Item.

    Unit Type – The type of production unit to be tracked (Hours, EA, LF, etc.)

    Unit Budget and Toggle – How much of this unit type is budgeted for. When toggled on, this value can be manually entered in. When toggled off, the “Expected Average Efficiency” toggle will turn on (if “Production Benchmarks” is turned on) which allows entry of the expected average. The toggle is not there if “Production Benchmarks is turned off.

    Production Benchmarks – Turn this on to track production benchmarks. Allows for more data points for production tracking.

Viewing/Editing/Deleting a Job Item Template

Click on the line that contains the Job Item Template that needs to be viewed.

A sidebar will pop out with the item details. The item detail can also be edited from this screen. Make any changes as needed, then click SAVE ITEM to save the changes. To delete a job item, click the DELETE ITEM button, then confirm the deletion on the next screen. To close the details, click CLOSE.

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