Web App - Setup - Job Templates

Web App - Setup - Job Templates

Job Templates

The Job Templates section allows for the management of job templates, which can help speed up job entry into CrewTracks by pre-filling out repeat information based on certain job types.

Adding a New Job Template

Click the ADD NEW JOB TEMPLATE button in the top right of the Job Templates screen.

Add Job Template Breakdown

Job Template

Job Template Code – A code to associate with this job template.

Job Template Name – The name that is assigned to this job template i.e. Small Framing Job, T&M Job, etc.

Job Template Description – A description of the job template

Default Job Type – Used if there are multiple job types in the system.

Default Job Setup

Default Customer – If this job template is associated with a specific customer, use this drop-down menu to select the needed customer.

Default Job Description – This default job description will appear on all jobs that get created with the template. Don’t use descriptions that are specific to specific jobs.

Default Accounting System Code – This field is used in conjunction with an accounting system, such as QuickBooks, Sage 100, Foundation, etc. This is the unique identifier of each job in the accounting system. 

Default Job Settings

Exempt from “Require notes before submission” schedule setting – This setting will override the note requirement setting if it is turned on for the organization.

Exempt from “Require jobsite photos before submission” schedule setting – This setting will override the photo requirement setting if it is turned on for the organization.

Default Job Status Group – Allows the template to be associated with a specific status group.

Enable Job Status – Turns on/off the job status for this template.

    Prompt employees to set Job Status each day – If checked, employees will be prompted to set the Job Status each schedule before submission.

Enable Job Item Status – Turns on/off the job item status for this template.

    Prompt employees to set Job Item Status each day – If checked, employees will be prompted to set the Job Item Status each schedule before submission.

Deleting a Job Template

Click the three dots on the right side of the job template that needs to be deleted.

Click Delete.

A prompt to confirm the deletion of the job template will appear. Click DELETE to confirm the deletion. Click CANCEL to go back to the Job Templates screen and not delete the template.

Viewing a Job Template’s Details

Click on the Job Template line or click the VIEW button on the Job Template line to view that job template’s details.

The Job Template Details screen gives an overview of the Job Template, including any associated Job Items, Documents, and Notifications that the template will set up automatically in a job when used.

Adding Job Items to a Job Template

Scroll down to the Default Job Item Templates section and click ADD ITEM.

A sidebar popout will appear to the right. Fill out the required information about the job item, then click SAVE ITEM.

To add a Job Item from an existing Job Item Template, click the ADD ITEMS FROM TEMPLATES button.

A popup will appear allowing the selection of any existing Job Item Templates.

Click on each Job Item Template you want to add to the Job Template, then click ADD XX ITEMS, where XX is the number of Job Item Template selected.

Any Job Item Templates selected will appear in the list of Item Templates. To confirm their addition to the Job Template, click SAVE ALL ITEMS.

If there is a list of Job Items that needed to be added to the Job Template, an import file can be used to add job items in bulk. Click the IMPORT ITEMS FROM FILE button.

A prompt will appear to choose an import file. If an import file doesn’t already exist, click the Download a sample template of the Import File and fill out the template with the needed information. Once the Import File has been created, click CHOOSE FILE, then select the created Import File.

If there are errors in the import, none of the items will be imported into CrewTracks. Correct any listed errors, then try reimporting the file. Once successful, the new items will appear in the Job Items list. Click SAVE ALL ITEMS to save the imported job items.

Job Item Import Template Breakdown

Item Code - A unique identifier that is used to differentiate the job items in CrewTracks. This must be unique to each job item and cannot be shared across multiple job items

Item Name - The name of the job item

Item Description (Optional) - The description of the job item

Item Accounting System Code - This code is used to tie the job item into an accounting system via data export i.e. QuickBooks

Unit Type (Optional) - The type of unit the job item is i.e. Lbs, Linear Feet(LF), Each, Hours, etc.

Unit Budget (Optional) - A specific unit budget can be input to track against

Track Labor - Put an x in this cell if labor needs to be tracked on this job item; leave it blank if labor tracking is not needed

Labor Hours Budget (Optional) - If tracking labor, a specific labor budget can be input to track against

Track Equipment - Put an x in this cell if equipment needs to be tracked on this job item; leave it blank if equipment tracking is not needed

Equipment Hours Budget (Optional) - If tracking equipment, a specific equipment hours budget can be input to track against

Track Material - Put an x in this cell if materials need to be tracked on this job item; leave it blank if material tracking is not needed

Flex Code Categories - Any flex codes turned on for jobs will appear as their named headers after the Track Material header. These flex codes are specific to each organization in CrewTracks, and an organization may not have any in use, which will output zero of these header types

Adding Documents to a Job Template

Documents can be tied to a job template, which will copy those documents onto any jobs that are created with the job template. Scroll to the Default Base Documents section, then click either COPY TO HERE if the document already exist in the organization, or click UPLOAD NEW DOCUMENT to upload a new document.

COPY TO HERE will allow the selection of pre-existing documents in CrewTracks that can be carried over to the template. Select the folder that has the document that needs to be copied over. Click the checkbox next to the document, then click COPY to copy the document.

Clicking UPLOAD NEW DOCUMENT will bring up a prompt to select files from the PC to upload to the template. Choose the documents to upload by clicking CHOOSE FILES and browsing through the PCs files to find the needed documents.

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